It’s the evening of July 11th and everyone is back on PA, where there’s
- no malaria threat
- no toilet paper bin next to the toilet
- no bus ride of endless braking
- nobody asking you where your passport is
- no need to watch that you don’t step on an iguana
- no one asking to interview you
- no ... etc etc etc
Yes, all our travelers will have memories of the above, but those memories will be overshadowed with their fond memories of an absolutely once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience Ecuador and meet it’s people with our Palmyra Area High School group.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, to everyone that participated in this trip and to those that made it possible for your relatives to go on the trip. I am truly honored to have been a part of this group and for being able to experience Ecuador for the first time with you!
Thank you to “my team” as Roberto, our white water rafting guide always said, for being positive and for stepping in when I overlooked something. Thank you Miss McCarthy, Madame Kovalchick, Sr. Macchia, Sra. Wagner, and Dr. Richardson.
We all returned to the states a little bit changed. Hold onto that enthusiasm and let it spark continued interest in learning about the world around you and working to make it a better place!
Cynthia Hitz, Tour Leader, 2019 Ecosystems of Ecuador Trip (EF) ❤️
And now, the final video (although I think I may have missed a day that I’ll need to update in the near future).